Report on APRC
Meeting & Workshop VII – ICW Triennial Izmir 2015
Panel 1:
Discussion on “Trafficking & Violence against Women”
The first
panelist, Vanisa Dhiru, stated that violence against women is on the rise in
her homeland, New Zealand. She spoke about some of the key initiatives and best
practices that give reason to be optimistic about stemming the tide of
violence. Legislative change, long term government-led initiatives, and
culturally sensitive measures undertaken by Maoris and certain immigrant groups
can all be effective. She also noted methods by which New Zealand has promoted
initiatives undertaken by men in violence-prone communities through awareness
raising campaigns.
The second
panelist, Junhui Joo from Korea, spoke on several issues regarding violence
against women. She discussed the role of mass media, women’s NGOs, anger
management, and the effectiveness of criminal prosecution. She compared the
American and Korean systems, with emphasis on prevention, punishment, and
healing. She also stressed the importance of women’s self-confidence,
empowerment, and economic participation.
Panel 2:
Discussion on “Gender & Climate Change Adaption in Asia and the Pacific”
The first
panelist, Yun-Sook Lee from Korea, stressed that Asia Pacific women are not
exempt from dangers associated with climate change. She suggested some specific
ways to integrate gender considerations in climate change adaptation in the
Asia Pacific region. Recommendations included: using reusable cloth shopping
bags, reusing school uniforms after graduation, and increasing the use of
public transportation.
The second
panelist, Rae Duff from New Zealand, elaborated on this subject. She noted that
women in ICW member countries are well positioned to take up the challenge of
promoting sustainable lifestyles to reduce the effects of climate change.
Useful suggestions can be found in ‘Toolkit of Resources for Community
Education to Reduce the Effects of Climate Change’ produced in 2008. She noted
that there is much that can be done both collectively and as individuals to
help combat the effects of climate change.
APRC President,
Dr. Monthip S. Tabucanon, also gave insightful presentations on “Violence
against Women” and “Gender & Climate Change Adaption” in Thailand.