President Jungsook Kim, Vice President
Linda Liu, Representatives to UNESCAP Chularat Israngkool na Ayutthaya and
Sirirat Tamrongterakul and NCW of Thailand Vice President, Dr. Lalivan Karnchanachari,
represented the International Council of Women at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference
on Beijing+25 Review which took place at the United Nations Conference Center
in Bangkok, Thailand 27- 29 November 2019. The conference highlighted the
achievements, challenges and priorities for realizing gender equality and women’s
empowerment in the region.
In general, many countries in the Asia
Pacific region have achieved gender parity in education, significant reduction
in maternal mortality, integration of gender equality in laws, policies, and
national development plans. Noting that women faced additional challenges in
the workplace and that rural, migrant and disabled women faced even more
barriers in economic empowerment, delegates acknowledged the need for more
gender responsive social protection systems such as maternity protections,
child grants, social insurance for informal sector workers and universal health
services for all women and girls.
Member states also identified key
priorities in the eradication of all forms of violence against women and girls
(VAWG) to include implementation of laws and providing support services to
victims of violence. Regarding women’s political empowerment, progress was
attributed to the effectiveness of quotas at all levels of government, capacity
building programs for women and the inclusion of women’s equal rights in the
constitution. In particular, members from the Pacific islands stressed the
damaging impact of climate change and natural disasters on the lives of women and
affirmed the benefits of women’s participation in disaster reduction, adaption and
resource management programs.
On the second day, there were panels on
the four areas identified as priorities for accelerating progress. Panelists in
“Inclusive development, shared prosperity and decent work,” discussed good
practices for economic empowerment such as providing access to financing for
women entrepreneurs, provision of care as a business enterprise for women, and
innovative funding like bonds for women led businesses.
Member states accepted that economic
empowerment of women is a key to eradicating poverty, while civil society
representatives emphasized the need to recognize the value of unpaid work to
ensure social protection for women workers and to eliminate the gender pay gap.
Experts on the second panel, “Freedom from violence, stigma and stereotypes,” agreed
that sexual harassment and VAWG are widespread in all areas of life and
conveyed measures and best practices such as criminalization of sexual
violence, capacity building of security and police as well as necessity of
prosecution and justice.
Speakers on the third panel, “Accountability,
participation and gender-responsive institutions,” shared their experiences on
institutionalizing gender mainstreaming at national and local levels. They underscored
the importance of women’s political representation and enactment of laws to integrate
gender equality into national development plans. They also noted that tools for
the successful implementation of gender policy include gender responsive budgeting,
planning and monitoring, establishment of gender indicators for all levels of
government and collection of gender-disaggregated data. The fourth panel, “Environmental
conservation, climate action and resilience-building,” highlighted the need to heighten
societal awareness of the benefits of gender cooperation for climate change
through collection of data on the impact of climate change on women.
Many special events and side events
were held in-between the official sessions.
At “Time is Now: Partnerships and
Innovative Financing to Close the Gender Gap,” panelists spoke about the need
for all stakeholders to collaborate and create new types of funding for the
achievement of gender equality.
The conference concluded with the
adoption of the “Asia-Pacific Declaration on Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s
Empowerment: Beijing+25 Review” which will be presented at the 64th session of
the Commission on the Status of Women in New York in March 2020.